Video: We are a “We” Organization

Video Transcript

Shani Lenard: Director, People Strategy
We are we organization as a element of our culture just makes sense. It’s the next part of going beyond the individual to the collective. And so Ashley, I would love for you to talk to us a little bit about how that’s shown up for you over time.

Ashley Taylor: Sr. Mgr. Analytics & Machine Learning
So we’re definitely we organization. We truly are a team and we know that together we do achieve more and I think that there’s two really important components of that. There’s how are we acting collaboratively and how are we being inclusive and we know that whether it’s a project or a larger effort like we’re facing a pandemic. How do we come out of this on top? How do we expand the business? It’s really important that we are being collaborative and we know that whenever we’re doing that we’re pulling together, right? We’re coming up with a plan we’re executing on that. We’re supporting one another we’re leveraging one another strengths. It’s that collaborative nature that allows us to really be successful and we know that being inclusive is such an important part of that.

I feel like on the projects. We’re really looking at what are the different experiences the different perspectives that everyone can contribute to this and I really do see it playing out very successfully and it’s not just at Southeast Toyota Finance. It’s the time I’ve spent at JM&A as well. So it’s not limited to just one department or one team enterprise-wide. We really are operating as a team and we certainly celebrate individuals successes and Milestones, but the best part is we are succeeding as a team and we really see it. Even how we talk about our work product right? It’s not I did this and I did that, it’s we did this and if something happens to go wrong, it’s not just all on me. We made these decisions and that’s how I see. Being a “We” organization truly being a team playing out time and time again.

Chris Chittero: Organizational Effectiveness Consultant
You often hear teams talk about or individuals talk about you know, they have my back and having each other’s back and you know, if someone if someone has whatever life circumstances right now, and they can’t, you know, maybe do everything they did. You know, we’re all willing to help that person get past that. Keep the work going and make the whole Enterprise of success.

Chris Williams: SET Collections Manager
And I agree with that. We see it as we, we succeed together. We fail together. We pick up and renew together. It’s all “We.”

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We Are a "We" Organization