Video: 2022 SET Vision & Mission – Dealer Driven

Video Transcript

Brent Sergot, President SET
We drive dealer success through shared vision, accountability, and trust to pursue leadership in everything we do. So how do we show we are dealer driven? There are six pillars that are a part of our new vision and mission.

Illustrating just that. First, we look for ways to say yes in true partnership, whether they’re working with Toyota or our dealers, we seek solutions that are mutually beneficial. And to do so means finding ways to work collaboratively together and saying yes to new ways of doing things. Second, we play offense. As Mr. Moran said, the future belongs to those who prepare for it. In that light, we strive to be proactive, seeing things from all angles, and taking advantage of every opportunity we own our actions. This third pillar ties in with our JM Family Core value of accountability. When we make decisions, we stick by them. We own our wins, we learn from our mistakes, we fail fast, and we learn quickly. Fourth, we speak courageously. SET has fostered an environment that encourages speaking up, sharing your opinions, and fighting for what you believe in. That goes hand in hand with our fifth pillar. Challenge the status quo. It is what is written on the back of our badges. We do it better. Aligning with Toyota’s philosophy of Kaizen, continuous improvement, never settling, always challenging driving. SET forward.

Myra Adams, VP, Marketing Representation
When I think of dealer driven, I think of Mr. Moran. I think of him because that is the lens in which he built the company and led the company.

Andy Escher, VP, Vehicle Distribution and Accessories
In fact, in his book, you’ll see an exact quote around that where he said, we behave retail. We don’t behave wholesale.

Kia Ramadan, VP, Fixed Operations
I still hear executive management talking about if it’s good for our dealers, it’s good for SET.

Ray Natour, VP, Vehicle Processing
It Really evolves around us helping our dealers be successful. Their success is our success.

Eric Carter, VP, Customer Journey/Marketing
When I think about dealer driven, it’s what we do. It’s why we do it.

Sharon Ruiz, VP, Parts Supply and Distribution
So focusing on our dealers is at the core of everything that we do.

Casey Gunnell, Group VP, Vehicle Processing, Parts Supply and Distribution
Now, as our associates perform their task day in, day out, it’s really interesting to me when I have conversations with them on how focused they are on delivering for the dealer. And whether that’s parts, associates, folks that are working in our, in our vehicle processing, our drivers at STS, they all know that what they do directly impacts the dealer.

Jim McEachern, VP, Sales
And what we do is we work collective with the dealers and ask them what, what’s gonna ensure your success in selling cars, servicing the customer, recruiting and hiring and training your people. And the more we do that in align with them, that’s gonna ensure our success.

Myra Adams, VP, Marketing Representation
We always need to be thinking like, how do we continue to raise the bar?

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