Video: JM Family Way and Growth Orientation (SETF)

Video Transcript

Heather Wilkinson, Assistant Vice President, JM Family Way – JMFE
So, Matt growth orientation is one of the representatives of the results value drivers and growth orientation is we continuously invest in people relationships tools and infrastructure to ensure our company and Brands evolve and thrive. How does that show up for Southeast Toyota Finance our growth orientation. Tell us a little bit about the investments and why so with Southeast Toyota Finance is making the investments they are.

Matt Behrendt, District Sales Manager, SETF
So, Southeast Toyota Finance really invested in a couple of different things and a lot of different tools that we provided for the dealer such as this product going through the sale of a vehicle figuring out a seamless way for them to finance and then getting a vehicle protection product which JM&A with that being the mindset of growing the Dealer’s market share keeping their customer invested in that dealership having them align with our incentives to make sure that the customer gets advertised and we put incentives to advertise back towards that customer to go to that local dealer the originating dealer and also other investments with our website to give them service reminders to make them come back to that dealership for service. Maybe it’s a 5,000 mile oil change you’re tired rotate and then just to make sure that they’re growing their market share internally. They’re keeping it retaining it and then that way with the technology that we can provide and the investments that we have. They can grow their their customer experience, too.

Heather Wilkinson, Assistant Vice President, JM Family Way – JMFE
That win-win mentality.

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Growth Orientation