We Strive For Excellence

Man running on track

Creative Training Leads to Individual Growth

“We Strive for Excellence”. Continuous improvement is in our DNA. Each of us plays a role to innovate and “DO IT BETTER!”, learning and growing to enhance performance. Jordan Mack, Interactive Media Design Specialist, shared with us one of the many Problem Solving Activity (PSA) examples at JM Family. See how not only was there an impact on a business process, but also individual career growth.


In Jordan’s early years, she joined JM Family as a temporary associate in Commerce, GA about a year after high school. After only 4 months, she was hired full-time as a Driver in the Pre-Delivery Service Department, and 16 months later, she was promoted to Functional Technician in the same department. This is where Jordan was invited to participate in her first PSA.

Growth through PSA

Problem Solving Activities typically focus a team on problem-solving for consecutive days by diving deeper into the details of a problem in order to create a solution. One solution of this specific PSA was to improve communication, and a training video was identified as the most effective medium. Videos had been utilized in other departments previously, but due to high cost and reliance on outside vendors it was not sustainable. Once Jordan’s untapped talent was uncovered, her creativity & videography skills became a huge win for the organization. After the first video, Jordan began working closely with the training team for a number of weeks on requests for similar videos at different locations. These requests opened the opportunity for Jordan to travel to Florida to create even more training videos. Working in this dual capacity reignited a path to Jordan’s true passion. “I try to get 1% better every day. After each video, I always self-critique to see what I can improve on for the next video.”

There were not only videos created for an immediate need, it has become a preferred communication vehicle across the entire organization. In 2018, another promotion was earned. Jordan became a Training Specialist and relocated to Jacksonville, FL.

Fast Forward

Jordan truly lives the JM Family “We Strive for Excellence.” “In elementary school, I worked my way up to CEO of our news broadcast team & I honestly never imagined that those skills would also lead to my career growth in the future. I am currently back in school pursuing my Associates Degree in Digital Media/Multimedia Technology.” Jordan is also the first member of her family to go to college.

Always Better

With so many video requests coming in, another improvement process, a VPC (Vehicle Processing Center) Media Request Form, was created to help manage the demand. Improvement attracts improvement. Associates being courageous to change, and leaders knowing their team and actively orchestrating opportunities through listening, is another component of striving for excellence. Jordan was tapped for the PSA, and this uncovered growth through a “hidden talent” that may not have been exposed through normal day-to-day work. Through the process of getting to know her associates, Jordan’s Manager found out that she had a passion for creating videos in addition to years of experience which began way back in the day.

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We Strive for Excellence