We Build On Our Legacy 

JM Family Tree Legacy photo

Inspiration to Move Confidently into the Future

“I don’t think we are unique about being founded by someone that is so dynamic and an icon for the organization. I give the successors of Mr. Moran credit for continuing this legacy and keeping it alive. At some time in the not so far off future, there will be no current associates left who met or knew Mr. Moran in person. Yet we all play a role to ensure this legacy rolls from one generation to the next.”

Michael Tiufekchiev


Michael Tiufekchiev, we call him Mike T, has been with JM Family for over 23 years. Following are a couple of examples of the behaviors and actions he experienced from the Founder of JM Family, Mr. Moran and how this impacts the culture we continue to live today. When “We Build on Our Legacy,” these examples help build the foundation to understand where it started and how we do business.

Commitment to Honesty and Integrity

Twenty years ago, in a meeting with the executive team, I was asked a question and could not produce the data at that specific moment. I didn’t have the answer. Yes, that moment of panic. Yet staying true to our core values and honest communication, I knew I could gather the details quickly. Immediately after the meeting, I typed a follow-up Memo (remember, this was 20 years ago) with the details supporting the question in the meeting, and sent it to Mr. Moran. Within that same day, Mr. Moran had received the memo via interoffice mail, read it, wrote a handwritten note, and returned it to me. I had not expected a reply at all, let alone one so immediate. You always knew it was a message from Mr. Moran when you saw writing in a brown felt-tip pen. He not only thanked me for the update, but he also shared that he also should have known this. And that was Mr. Moran.

I keep this memo with Mr. Moran’s handwritten note visible in my office as a reminder of what that meant to me so many years ago, and still to this day.

Personal and Sincere Connections

Not only in letters, but everyday interactions. Mr. Moran had a way of being present and engaging with associates and creating that sense of importance as though there was nothing else going on. It was a regular occurrence for him to simply stop by to say “hello” or “tell me what you are working on.” He never stopped thanking associates for the work they did. Dealers will tell you the same. There are times when I realize I have not taken the time to stop and connect with people. As an introvert, I sometimes have to really be mindful and aware that these are the interactions that are meaningful and memorable. As we grow as an organization, how We Build on Our Legacy and how we strengthen our culture is the foundation of our long-term success. You never know what kind of impact your interactions with someone will have, and Mr. Moran knew everybody, with genuine curiosity and concern. I just hope I have a fraction of an impact on someone as Mr. Moran has had on me.

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We Build on Our Legacy