Video: JM Family Way and Continuously Improve/Growth Orientation (JM&A)

Video Transcript

Heather Wilkinson, Assistant Vice President, JM Family Way – JMFE
Over at JMA there’s a lot of things where they I know that you all are looking at around how to be more innovative around products how to meet customers where they are. Can you tell us a little bit about what JM&A is looking at from a continuously improved and a growth orientation so we can grow as the industry evolves as a consumer needs evolved as a vehicles evolved from hybrid to battery electric vehicle, etc.

Chris May, Director, Product Innovation and Intelligence – JM&A Group
There’s a few things that that come to mind as a continuation to what Matthew was describing. We made a lot of progress on our internal systems over the last few years to try to continue to reach the customer where they are.

You know when we started messing around with online transactions, we have maintenance timeframes from 12 to 7 AM because dealerships weren’t open. But in the online transaction, obviously you should be able to pull that information 24/7. So we’ve had to do a lot from a systems perspective, whereas before you’d only pull the price of a product but now we’ve enabled the ability to pull content along with that. It sounds easy to describe but it’s it’s these are the big efforts and now I guess the next wave of that and my current role is around looking at and all these different transaction types or these different vehicles. Products are going to have to maybe look feel quite differently on whether they’re packaged how they’re communicated what people’s buying motivations are in one channel versus a different Channel and just to make sure that we have the right product and the right channel the right time.

It’s a very very easy thing for me to say but it’s a very very hard thing and it takes a lot of smart people working together to make those things happen.

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Continuously Improve