Video: We Build on our Legacy

Video Transcript

Shani Lenard: Director, People Strategy
There’s a spirit of togetherness. And that we are better together and I think when we think about that of the origins of where that came from, it’s probably because of our Legacy and I know that building Upon Our Legacy is such a critical element to a successful culture continuing to strive and grow. You know, I I think about that when I’m I just I’m honored to be a part of the legacy and so, you know Chris again, you’ve been here a little bit. I would love for you to tell us a little bit about the contributions you’ve made to the Legacy what you understand it the Legacy how you’ve had to honor the Legacy and build upon it over the years.

Chris Chittero: Organizational Effectiveness Consultant
Yeah, interesting. I’ve been fortunate enough to be in some roles. Where, you know, I was asked to help the company grow and change and meet new challenges. But but I realized early on we always had to be very respectful of where we had come from and I think at JM Family we do that pretty well, right like every company that started right we were our businesses were founded on a good idea a small group of people with a lot of camaraderie and a high work ethic to just chip in and get that work done. And so we’re proud of that origin that that our companies have and JM Family some of the key things that we talk about from that legacy are our core values are incredibly high commitment to ethics and not every company. Well actually every company does say that but at JM Family it’s a new it’s a new level and always commitment to always doing what is right and that’s a company at the same time with this entrepreneurial spirit.

So those are the parts of the Legacy when we say legacy that that we really mean our companies are proud of that legacy. They’re also proud of how they’ve built their businesses over time and all the challenges. They’ve overcome we were talking about that a moment ago. So so we don’t just leave that legacy in the past though. We bring it into the present and we leverage it to change and adapt because we know it’s been our part of our success and it will continue to be part of our success.

You know when Jim Moran founded the company he was the embodiment of all these ideals and everything that he said and he did right for those of you. I never had the chance to meet him, but I know some of you did. He also though talked about how together we can make this company continue to make it a place where our children and our grandchildren will want to work. Right?

I mean, we’ve we’ve seen the videos of him saying that so that’s that long-term focus coming into play and I would say the same is true for the companies that were acquiring right they were they were founded by someone with an idea who wanted to build a strong and durable company. And so we really all do that by remembering where we’ve been using it in the present to adapt and change to present circumstances and knowing that that really helps us build towards a strong future.

Lynn Laquain: IT Strategy Analyst
Just want to add to what you’re saying Chris the way that associate that we see Associates build on our legacy is so many multiple ways like every day I need two of our day jobs. We’re building on that legacy of results and success and building on what we’ve done in the past and making it better. But then also in our day to day interactions with each other and within our communities and culture within JM Family whether it’s our departments or business units or perhaps an affinity group. We’re always finding ways to really live those values of the three C’s and the innovation and the accountability when working with each other to kind of nurture our culture and help move it into the future. It’s and the way we treat each other in the way. We bring others on board and show them what it is to live our culture what our secret sauce is. It’s no secret. It’s just how we treat each other and how we how we operate Yeah, the more we can protect that through all those that come on board the better and stronger our company becomes.

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We Build on Our Legacy